Gendering Agriculture so Women Take the Lead in Feeding Africa

, IITA Board Member, Former African Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, and Chairperson, HOPE

, Senior Scientist and Gender Research Coordinator, IITA

IBADAN, Nigeria, Oct 12 2020 (IPS) – Africa’s hopes of feeding a population projected to double by 2050 amidst a worsening climate crisis rest on huge investments in agriculture, including creating the conditions so that women can empower themselves and lead efforts to transform the continent’s farming landscape.

Rhoda Tumusiime

As we celebrate the 2020 International Day of Rural Women, Africa needs to reflect more on the role women play in food and nutrition security, land …

Japan Should Lead Charge for Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines: We All Deserve Protection from Covid-19

Credit: United Nations

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, Nov 20 2020 (IPS) – Japan should step up and play a role as a global facilitator for equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, Dr Daisaku Higashi said at a recent Japan Parliamentarians Federation for Population (JPFP) study meeting.

The country should use the credibility developed in the post-Second World War era as a country with expertise in peacebuilding to ensure that developing countries are included in the vaccines’ rollout.

Higashi, a renowned commentator from Sophia University, warned that only an international effort could solve the pro…

This Is Not a Goodbye, Kenya – Asante na Kwaheri ya Kuonana

Siddharth Chatterjee with CS Eugene Wamalwa, Heads of Missions from the United Nations Mission and other development partners visited the Frontier Counties Development Council Counties with a view of leveraging on opportunities considering geographic proximities in addressing shared developmental challenges in the marginalized Counties. Credit: West Pokot County, February 2020

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan 4 2021 (IPS) –  

Happy New Year, Kenya.

Several milestones in my personal and professional life have made Kenya a cherished place for me. I started my UNICEF career in Rumbek, South Sudan in June 2000, and my rest and recuperation breaks were in Nairo…

Argentina’s Abortion Legislation Sparks Hope in Caribbean Region

Member of Parliament Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn. Credit: Kate Chappell

KINGSTON, Jamaica, Feb 12 2021 (IPS) – It was a joyful, tearful celebration in the early morning hours of Dec. 30, 2020 for countless Argentinians when they heard the news: the senate had legalized terminations up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. Prior to this, activists have said that more than 3,000 women died of botched, illegal abortions since 1983. And across the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region, this renewed sense of optimism was compounded after President Joe Biden what is known as the “global gag rule,” which essentially denied funding to international non-profit organizations that …

Sustainable Development Goals Can Guide Asia-Pacific to Build Back Better

BANGKOK, Thailand, Mar 16 2021 (IPS) – The COVID-19 crisis poses an unprecedented threat to development in the Asia-Pacific region that could reverse much of the hard-earned progress made in recent years. The good news is we know how to tackle this challenge. Recovery from the pandemic and our global efforts to deliver the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 must go hand-in-hand. The Goals provide a compass to navigate this crisis, faster and greener, everywhere and for everyone.

Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana

Results from the 2021 edition of the Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report published today by the United Nations Economic …

Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on Infants and Young Children

The author is the Executive Director of the BRAC Institute of Educational Development, BRAC University in Bangladesh.

Children display dexterity during a free play session prior to the pandemic. Credit: BRAC

DHAKA, Bangladesh, Apr 26 2021 (IPS) – Conventional wisdom is that the health of young children is not at great risk from COVID-19, but, in the Global South, the space constraints imposed on young children by the pandemic pose a significant risk to the stimulation on which brain development thrives. Early childhood development is further jeopardized by the pandemic’s impact on caregivers.

A new early childhood development infrastructure has …

India’s COVID-19 Vaccine Drive Is Excluding Millions of Citizens

An SOP to vaccinate vulnerable groups without access to any kind of ID card is a much needed step, and one in the right direction. | Picture courtesy: Flickr

MUMBAI, India, Jun 7 2021 (IPS) – In May, the (MoHFW) uploaded a (SOP) related to ‘COVID-19 Vaccination of Persons without prescribed Identity Cards through CoWIN’ on its website.

The SOP reiterates that the recipient of the vaccine must register on the and that the vaccinator must verify the recipient with one of seven prescribed photo identity cards:

Aadhaar card
Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC)–Voter ID
Driving License
PAN Card
National Population Register (NPR) Smart Card

We Can Prevent the Bankruptcy of the Sacred – Dare we Try?

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres believes “our solidarity based on the human rights and human dignity of all highlights the crucial role of religious leaders in our communities and beyond”. He cited previous public health crises, including HIV/AIDS and Ebola, noting how spiritual leadership had been a positive benefit in terms of community values, attitudes and actions.

Religious leaders. Credit: UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

NEW YORK, Jul 22 2021 (IPS) – The UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF) came to a conclusion on July 15th. Another HLPF, another series of declaration, and commitments and concerns articulated by governments.

All of which are…

Fundamental Changes Needed at UN Summit to Tackle Global Food Insecurity

A market vendor sells produce at Victoria Market in Port Victoria, Seychelles. Credit: UN Women/Ryan Brown

BRIGHTON, UK, Sep 20 2021 (IPS) – COVID-19 has exposed numerous fractures in global food systems that leave millions at risk of food insecurity. Like the numerous political failures in dealing with COVID, the repercussions of food system failings are experienced by rich and poor countries alike, with the poorest and most marginalised paying the greatest price.

To be clear, while the numbers of those who are undernourished remain shamefully high, this is a food crisis that is not just about hunger or famine. There is also a silent and growing crisis of an estimate…

Inflation Bogey Blocking Recovery

SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 19 2021 (IPS) – The bogey of inflation has been revived. Dubious pre-pandemic economic progress, fiscal constraints and vaccine apartheid were bad enough. Now, ostensibly anti-inflationary measures also threaten recovery and sustainable development.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has revised downwards its latest global growth forecast. Its latest (WEO) warns of a “dangerous divergence” between richer and poorer countries. This has been exacerbated by, but has also worsened national fiscal disparities and the ‘great vaccine divide’.

Anis Chowdhury

Inflation bogey revived
Meanwhile, there is growing talk of ‘s…