IRAQ: Childhood Is Dying

Dahr Jamail and Ahmed Ali*

BAQUBA, Mar 10 2008 (IPS) – Iraq #39s children have been more gravely affected by the U.S. occupation than any other segment of the population.
The United Nations estimated that half a million Iraqi children died during more than 12 years of economic sanctions that preceded the U.S. invasion of March 2003, primarily as a result of malnutrition and disease.

But childhood malnutrition in Iraq has increased 9 percent since then, according to an Oxfam International report released last July.

A report from the non-governmental relief organisation Save the Children shows Iraq continues to have the highest mortality for children under five. Since the first Gulf War, this has increased 150 percent. It is estimated that one in eight children …

HAITI: Sharing Meagre Supplies, as Graves Multiply

Ansel Herz

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Jan 17 2010 (IPS) – Millions of dollars in aid are pouring into Haiti. Another head of state visits each day. The misery in Port-Au-Prince dominates the news nearly a week after the 7.0 earthquake struck the heart of this island country.
Children in Cité Soleil, Haiti, play with a kite made from a plastic bag among the shanty town s rubble. Credit: UN Photo/Logan Abassi

Children in Cité Soleil, Haiti, play with a kite made from a plastic bag among the shanty town s rubble. Credit: UN Photo/Logan Ab…

HEALTH-COLOMBIA: Controversy Still Surrounds Malaria Vaccine Pioneer

Helda Martínez

BOGOTA, Apr 7 2011 (IPS) – The announcement of progress towards making synthetic vaccines against 517 infectious diseases, and the award of an international prize for his work have stirred up lively controversy around Colombian pathologist Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, a malaria vaccine pioneer.
Manuel Elkin Patarroyo Credit: Manuel Elkin Patarroyo

Manuel Elkin Patarroyo Credit: Manuel Elkin Patarroyo

While the scientific community complains that the media are making a big fuss over the announcement before the effectiveness of the vaccines has been confirmed, lawsuits have been brought about alleged an…

South Sudanese Children Starving While Aid Falling Short

WASHINGTON, Jul 15 2014 (IPS) – Even as aid workers are warning that children in South Sudan are falling victim to mass malnutrition, international agencies are said to be missing their fundraising goals to avert a looming famine in the country.

On Monday, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), the international medical relief organisation, reported that nearly three-quarters of the more than 18,000 patients admitted to the agency’s feeding programmes in South Sudan have been children. South Sudan has experienced mounting civil violence in recent months, which humanitarian groups warn has directly impacted farmers’ ability to plant and grow crops.

A child snacks in her family's new shelter, at P…</p></div></div></div><nav class=

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